Saturday, April 9, 2016

how they know

see frd jay hlm see

dit and pass but was stopped gave us d rcpt - how they recog? hmmmm

9ish wup
- brunch frd 12d6
-- mai yimiprkyinchop 5d5 too much yimi not as light as cpsk
-- b panmi yinchoy (gave mai some yinchoy) 5d5 hnt 1d6

- laundry bwater point

- dinner hlm st 19d95 hailam
-- nlardg 11d9+10 +6 13d9
-- cendol 5d2++ 6d05 - too sweet the glmlcca

lotion hands dry.
left lower furthest gum pain

cont point 5 epi?
- 5 election
- 6 jhn trainer internal af
- 7 wine dealer marv
- 8 prototype gn
- 9 eli

605 cold is nice but too sweet - shared by 2

13d9 - ai ate quarter rice sambal n anchovy too salty

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