Thursday, April 28, 2016

Boil pak sar sum

see opfm pkp mmll mo fm see

last nite loud bang a went off
- switch on back lights
- stay half up to jaga
- went bek in room sat on floor so quite dry again
- morning chk nothing, went bek look also nothing ooord

- ai think the ibupfn wearing off gradually cos can feel the raw edge when swallowing water sometimes
- the right swollen lymnode can be felt more when swallowing, feels quite big too, oval shape like 1cm plus and still tender

- opfm 12d7
-- b hnt 1d7 panmi 5d5 mai prkmihunhorfun 5d5
- fm 18d9
-- b harmee 5d5
-- suikao 5 2bendi 1bgourd 8x14 is 11d2
-- mai leongsui ice 2d2

- 30g pakhup and 30g pak sar sum = 4d5
- one lohongo 2d2

- daiso hpstand, window plastic, smell remover 3x 5d3

- buy abigroc grbrd 32 oragrti 13d9 distillspritzer 2d75 off 5 is 18d85

mrmb ten tel agroc abigroc tot 272
- parking 3 mmll
- walk to dep 60 to allie

- bboil wtr n ai drank lots
- gula, ffa, onl
- read bekpst wok & ind wok

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