Friday, October 31, 2008

A day lost?

She wanted to sleep in but had to get out of bed when her phone started ringing.
J: "Hello H, I called you at the office and they told me that you are having a day off. Do you remember you owe Bee Yin Han a lot of money and you promised her that you will return her money by today? I'm just calling you to remind you of this. We can go see her together and then have lunch."
H (Still feeling sleepy): "Ok. I'll swing by to pick you up around 11am."
So she got ready, went and picked J up. Then both of them went to see Bee and paid up. After that, the three of them ate lunch at a restaurant in a tall people-oriented building. She reached home at about 2pm because she had to drop J off. She then spent the rest of her second day off work catching up on a TV series that she didn't have time to watch during her work days. Soon she developed a headache from watching 6 hours of TV non-stop and had to get a takeaway for dinner. Winter was imminent - the fourth season in a year but yet living in a country near the equator, the weather was as hot as it can be. She went to bed at night with a throbbing head.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Long weekend

It was the beginning of an extended weekend as she took two days off work. For the past week, her schedule has been very taxing. Today was also the 17th anniversary of her getting into the company. Since morning, she relaxed at home and watched a comedy about how easy it was to misunderstand one another. The things that were unsaid but understood by the speaker were perceived differently by the receiver causing the two to appear at different places for their rendezvous. She made a note to herself to remember this and to be more specific in her communications with others. She couldn't finish the show in peace as she had to make several trips to the washroom. It must be due to something that she ate the previous day but she couldn't pinpoint the cause. She hoped to enjoy her remaining days off leisurely.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Role swap

Wen Kok knew that there was something different with his family when he started schooling. He noticed that his friends' mothers sent them to schools and were always around to attend to them while their fathers went to work. It was the other way round in his household. His father stayed at home to see to their needs whereas his mother went to work in an office. His father even took them along after school to shop for grocery, pay all the bills - utilities, insurance, legal fees, and even bought them clothes when necessary. His mother worked hard. She tried her best to leave her office on the dot at 6 in the evening but occasionally she had to work late until 9 at night. He wondered whether this kind of alternative arrangement would start a domino effect in society and that more of his friends would see their fathers as homemakers instead of their mothers.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Happy Deepavali!

On festive days, children should treat parents to a meal be it lunch or dinner, especially when the children have grown up and are no longer living with their parents. And also on festive days, one should not eat too much of the same dish and if one is eating out, please make sure that one does not order too large a portion of a dish. For example, order half a chicken instead of a whole chicken for a table of four.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

More or less?

The proverb "Many hands make light work" means "Large tasks become small when divided among several people" (source: - The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition). This is true for many cases. For example, when collecting funds for charity, assembling components of furniture, and finishing a huge meal with many dishes - it is better to have more people in your company. However, there is another saying: "Too many cooks spoil the broth". In your life, which one is more applicable to you?

Saturday, October 25, 2008

This is just raw

Overheard in the sea of Japan.

Salmon: I want to play and swim with you always.
Tuna: I know but my school expects me to swim with them.
Salmon: Please don't give me resistance too.
Tuna: Don't say that, I do want to play with you.
Salmon: I'll swim with your school then, just to be with you.

Friday, October 24, 2008

So far yet so fast

Hansel and Gretel's trail of crumbs

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Son, make way for Pac-Man!

It was a nice afternoon when I decided to treat my son to a very scrumptious meal at a nearby hotel that was having a promotion for people holding city cards. When we reached there, we were shown to a table with a nice pool view and cool breeze as the inner icebox was fully occupied. We went to get our food and whoosh! something zoomed past us and nearly knocked my boy over. I have to grab my boy out of its way. Hah, the thing can't be blamed as it was Pac-Man! What does Pac-Man know - except to eat, eat and eat. Despite that, my son and I enjoyed our day together and our food.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Truly Inspector Gadget

Inspector Gadget armed with his baby and PSP went to the local mall to get a Nokia E71 to feed his gadget monster. Lighter by RM1699, on the way home, he ran into John and Andy. Wanting to be friendly, he stopped to make small talk. Waving goodbye, he said to Andy, "Send my regards to your girlfriend, Mary". Andy looked uncomfortable. Oops, Mary is not Andy's girlfriend, she is Andy's ex-wife who left him for another. Andy's current girlfriend is John's sister, Anne. So it was an awkward moment for all three of them. What a silly mistake. He must work on his absent-mindedness, must remember to think before speaking and to concentrate on what he is speaking about. What a day!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Hao qi hai si mao

What exactly does "Curiosity Killed the Cat" mean? According to The Phrase Finder website, it means "Inquisitiveness can lead one into dangerous situations".

On the other hand, "Curiosity Kills the Cat" is the English title for a Chinese movie in which Carina Lau won best actress in the Golden Rooster Awards (2007). Note: The best actress award for that year was shared between Carina Lau and Yan Bingyan.

Humans are curious creatures. We are curious about the '"real" person behind blog persona. Bloggers are curious about the "real" person who left comments on their blogs. Will curiousity kills us then as it killed the cat?