Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Tough mttn

- yesterday no wtr so slpt on floor, cold 520ish off ac so ai ok slp floor but bhot

- 7ish b lft ai cont slpg
- b pckp 2 snt hkm mlw c hrt
- ? b bk with nla from qb 7d5
- ai cont slpg
- 12ish b lft pckp ai cont slpg
- 1240ish wrong mc but ai opn gt cls again so up ate biskuat
- 14ish back with mutton rice ai ate half
- pd mlw ten 365ish pd 40001 mrmb 200 only with wtr 11 but last mth ten not pd 165 tomget
- 18ish ate another half the dhall gone little off. mttn tough,
-- ate orange, wtr bek

qb mlw fd included

- bryani wah reh wah chc 14d3
- 2nk ksg 1d6x2 eq 3d2
- b tengr fsh 5d2
- bendi 2x60c eq 1d2
- sayur kobis 1d2
- mee goreng 5d3
- barli hot 2d4
- plain wtr 60c
- mutton 8
- sayur cabbage 2x1d2 eq 2d4

tot 43d8

mlw 5d3 60c st 5d9
plw 14d3 60c 1d2 st 16d1
b 1d6 5d2 60c 1d2 2d4 st 11
m 8 1d2 1d6  st 10d8

left4mi halfegg abit chickmt
8 worth mttn
bgourd n yellowsayurcbbg

ext box

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