Wednesday, March 9, 2016

By nue mke

-- left bgtoe sapcell put dettl antisptcrm
-- very tired on way bek at ard 4ish, the sun was hot n d car journey seems so long and long

- wup 6ish n off hpalm
- 7ish mcj up
- 830ish ate two slices bread with mix 4berries which has seeds so like al says gets stuck in teeth not that nice to eat
- 933ish left but tot ai left shoes in so unlock all disarm all but no shoes cos shoes in car mblur
- 948 pkup j
- 60c prk ons bate kttg 6d5, mckt dckegg 6d5 ccfnpphnot open m2niangao 1banana x 1 eq 3 copinglessweet 2d2
-- j bot currymi (nochic so gave more bldcockles) 6 assmlksa 6 and mix eat
- 1133 prk tsc bystuff get 3hrs foc 2perhr so prk 4hrs 8 - 3hrs 6 = 2 only
- took a quick look ard tsc
- jwent sptlght, ai lookthru pop, bot exbks ? bks 5d2, 1 ttbhs bk y1 5d2, 1btayt y1 2d9, 1byayt y2 2d9 st 16d2 c2d
- wlk2dso to letbrk
- wtsn tpup 50 jpdkn
- tsc bot groc mgryljhr 7d29 bihun 1d75 biskuat 6d85 4in1colinder 5,
-- printg ppr 450 8d5
- 1523 abt 4hrs left
- went dmkm ate fmi prk 60c got 6gst jfriedfshd mlk 9 9d55 bfriedfshfllt nomlk 11 11d65 m salmn nmlk 15 15d9 1chrysanthemum 3 3d2 tot 40d3
- drop j drt bk
- bwater garden ai use wtr inside observe see brown wtr so nid wash bek tom
-- wonder if it was caused by garden water tap before filter causing this
- wash left bgtoe put detl antisptcream
- nap for a while
- onl, gula, fifa, do hmewrk

6d5 6 6


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