Saturday, March 5, 2016

bam yes

- open ice 8ish bsing so ret2 dreams
- open ice again a little past 10 so jump up and prep
- eat with chopsticks bgotmeat 5d5, champing 2d1, mai nomeat lots yinchy, red green capsicum with one cube chicbrst, a mix of long beans and bendi 5 tot 12d6
- laundry n bwater
- wash back j
- watch room
- ding dong ttn say want 50per so 180 upfrt so ok go opis gib mndy dp
- early din near 5 newuho not open so went aj m rt 2 bnla 6 chamhot 1d5 tot 9d5
- bek bsing
- drank 2 tblspn of csysypwdr so slippery
- hands so dry so lotion it

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