Monday, March 28, 2016

mns gcb

see cpsk cmbk see sgshl mines see

- 10ish actac dep10 then another 10 so bai 20
- 11ish onlbk wait4j
- pdallie37ish
- onl xfr 10 2 m7
- walk2shl kmfl 1d6 x 32l eq 51d2
- jsptlght 17d95
- 14ish to 1530ish mns
- ate blueberry post with cold water
- fifa
- nap 7to9pm

fd 11
- cpsk mai cf chicorprknamyu? yinchoy longbean bcf petola bgourd minced prk 5d5x2 11
- lok c in  711 but dinby anythin

- giant fine wholemeal brd 2d8
- mcd gcb 9d45 alac

GCB ala carte 9d45 nt

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