Thursday, December 6, 2012

New am in

Woke up early at 0730. Let sleep until 11 due to watching late late night/early early morning football show. Lunch eaten with chopsticks 10 for 2. Dinner gruel, kiwi, grapefruit, apple, milk, post cereal.

Tks went crazy today 25 to 50 c47.

My ais was on it and amelie and got amelie but no crazy 41-405-4-405 avgb 73 40657 48-41 k&n, 25-4 oh as kay 3on lee

sbt at openp cutq 582 hiest 585 c584 loest 5792 but that is 1 only and 58 2 only so actually can consider 582 as loest hahahaha. Got 6453 on lee. see ai am bee bai

sdldy at cp cutq again 476 o477 all so hiest, loest 469-6 avg475772. Got 3516 on lee. me cute ray

As expected cbg is south park. o1292, c1284, avg128543 median 1284, next1286 hiest 1294 (yesc) loest 1282. So back to waiting.

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