Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Din bai

Open eyes, lay there thinking it is still early, maybe 7ish but when asked, am told it is 9am, Yikes! So jump up. Too late q d. Then look at my list. Everything especially bt went up up up and was so fast that when ai put in, it is too late. Went down a bit.

Lunch eaten with chopsticks. One only 4 due to the vege so say - broccoli and wonga green. Dried lam yu fried chicken meat again. Wanton mee in soup 4.5 and mix platter of roast chicken meat and rpk 5. Tapao 1 chapfan for dinner to share 4.5 and left.

Back look see look see no but no s dunno how hi but then it all went down at 1130. When break ate 2 grapefruits 1 each  and share 1 kiwifruit. Went back up a little to end.

Did not get g abby because there were 4 at 1644 early on and I did not get and it went to s at 1642 which is the loest. Then the hi is 1678 and it ends with 1668 with 48 left on sq but ai did not get because:

1. duwan to be stuck when xd tom.
2. wan to get at loest and shortest term if possible

Cbg up to 1304 today and end with 1294 with 7 in sq. Did not s because want to try for 1310 the one could have been or at least 1304 for tomorrow.

Ddy up to 482 and down to 47 loer than yestc at 4766 but end at 4768.

Therefore no action today also. Bystander.

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