Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Early start

Yesterday slept at 3.30am and today the alarm rang at 6.15am so got up like a zombie and off it. Went back to snooze. Was woken up at 6.50am, got ready and left to pick up but went in and parked a while cos not ready.

Left 7.30ish and reach there 8.30ish. Copi tiam nl 14.9 and xi mutt nai char total 19.2 and then left. Parking tng can't go out so went to investigate. Deducted but bar not up so manual up. Parking for 1 hour 3.5 card 19.2 to 16.7 Wanted to go Pchg but took the normal route mex so ended up in we key so took kes as and went as before.

Drop 3 pieces, Slgr holiday today so traffic is nicer. Ate wanton mee char siew 5, kay si hor fun 5.5 and cham hot 1.5 tot 12. Then drop see renovated office to give 450 10,11,12 and get 2 stick kar. Stop for a while to air place. Saw double you bees went up to 435 and current bsq is 395 so quickly get 100 and q to s at 41 to get around 100ish. Then relook again, going to hit 41 so wanted to re q so cancel but cannot cos all done. Lucky cos it then went down no more 41. Got it done at last batch of 41 of the day at 1000 el ti b.

Went back, very sleepy but go online, look see, monitor. Ti am went up so the see you touches 5 so q 5 but cancel after that. Dunno to hold so s if can really get 5. May be wait for 7?

Yesteryday q k at 633 the previous hi but then saw it up to 627 and went back down to 624 so cancel it and then q at 626 and went to read blg. Then when I remember to monitor, all sold d with g122 only and the k went crazy hi to 645 with gap down next done price 640. 39, 38... The s two is 38 so could have done that and if done that would get another 132 more than what got now. It c at 630 so it went up 30 but go down 15 so that today up only 15.

So very angry. S remember to monitor when q critical very steep rises. Wasted. Hhhmmpphhh. When will mai learn? Must remember. Amd resting. Still at same place.

Tomorrw last dy for bmb and mdc, will go for mdc. Got up and down that is the life. Must be up more than down.

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