Saturday, March 7, 2020

D5 7sat jdy swhg yinoodle

1. Swhg 15d3
Harmi 7
Yimi prk 6d5
Hnt 1d8
2. 1030ish  j grdr cut everything from the side patch n rmv all dried leaves
Up2us2pyamt bsed 50 aipy 60
3. 2pm ish
Supposed to go wtnpho but parked in front of yee noodles same row so ate at yee noodles
Cswtnmi 7
Prk ribs mi 8d5
10deepfried wtn 7
Lohongo tongsuilots of matakuching goyuk 3d5 hot
Hailamchar 2
Tot 28
4, dinner
Orange 1slice greengar 1 slice green rainbow 1 piece choc strawberry cheese lint
5. Throat off ears bordering on itch but no itch yet
6. Yesterday wsh top
7. Wsh jckt by hand
Totfdspbt 43d3

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