Sunday, March 22, 2020

20fri 3dyn tplngco miossg

1. Tp lengco
Big wtnmi wtn cs swyk 10
2. Tp miossg
B wants lomaikai but takrak cos steamed cabinet empty
Tp big pepper soup prk stmch intestines ball meat 8d5
Don't sell eggs individually but sell a mix of chap with egg for ten so dinbuy
Kolo mi dry minced prk, cs, one hard boiled egg 8
3. Brkfst b hlf prk pepper soup mihun
4. Lunch shr wtnmi fnsh all
5. Dinner goober jam bread
B mihun in bal wine chicken soup
6. 12ish to 2 n 3ish to 6 runaround
- ate half but din fnsh n then at 2330 fnsh bal hlf n quarter a bit duwan eat cos too tired n excited running around gua

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