Thursday, March 5, 2020

D3 5thu oossg ss2juk trymcdy2

1. Oossg
B 3jc soup chamhot
No noodles bitter gourd Tomato prk mix normal with noodles iz 8d9 but was charged 15d8 total but ai din take chng so iz 16
2. Lunch
Agldrv ter jcm2
Long q at big pharmacy to buy msks
#aa 93 v
1x45 dfln 2x24 prgy
3. Tasty juk ss2
Din notice side dishes got plain juk at 2ish so ate juk minced prk century egg 8d3t 6per eq 8d8
4. Brry 7
4scones 4d7 dry but buttery enuff
1 cinnamon raisin 2d3

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