Thursday, March 21, 2019

21thu s1n2 chpstk mdfd tryhpintvw

- hnt 1d7 prkyimi 7d5
- pck 2x1d3 ytf
- b made misosoup, put rice n ytf inside
- b boiled lohongo
- day 15 lunar
- dun feel like eating rice so ate mee hoon hard bgourd almost raw, stirfried salted egg - salty 14d62 but round up nid pay 14d65
- trydrv jcm2 anymc
- 2pm cpco hpintvwba nidtstng
- half sambal caripap and one spicy caripap which is not that spicy

b dinner n yesterday chkn caripap n half sambal caripap

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