Tuesday, March 19, 2019

19tue s2 ck wengwah

1. ck 18d8
- cfdmihun 8 hnt 1d8
- pck tonguatong rice 9
2. ate one chiate pineapple pastry egg yolk exp 28 apr 2018
- tastes good but got aftertaste of butter sou sou
3. lunch
- jcmdrv buy anxin prk vtag along any, try
- jcm wanted to eat at a shop at cprk called kampar but was closed (for today?)
- walk to eat at anty christn but saw this new shop so went in to eat
- salted egg yolk chicken pieces with small rice 8d5
-- kept half for b dinner
- try bot tofufa and lohongo for xy but xy got drink from hermo
4. tue promo
- walk out to drink water after salty salted egg yolk and saw kfc and remember tue promo jmao so went in to buy
- 4 pieces ori chicken and 5 pieces tender 19d9 vc
- took 1 piece thigh and 2 pieces tender for dinner
5. ate bread in ebrwn odwbek
6. dinner
- 2 slices greengar with 1 chicken tender (a bit spicy)
- b salted egg yolk chicken with rice, 1 chicken thigh, 1 tender

b dinner

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