Sunday, March 18, 2018

sun sl jdy jiaozi

- sl 19d7 from 20 bek 30c
-- d usual 1px fshmihun 17 1barlipakgor 2d7
- jdy 10 to 1230
-- laundry normal tops and bwtr
- kchlm
-- wanted to go imprl wht copi again but many ppl q so went jiaozi shop
-- jiaozi shop 30d8 give 2x20 and 1 bek 10 n 20c
--- wanton in soup 16d9 b dunrike the soup very thick oil to mai  d oil is like those eatn in the bjg dck fat soup
--- jiaozi kaochoy 13d9 salty fillings and some too salty fillings
- ssg duck 17 frm 20 bek 3
-- pck 1/4 duck top n rice 14d5
-- 3 stomach at 2d5
- once all over
- nap
- 7pm dinner 2 kam 2 pieces meat n vege n 1 stomach

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