Wednesday, March 14, 2018

j9 a10 tmwn bkwbun4xy mijw

- tmwn 11.1 + 3.3 so 14.4
-- prkmihun 6 shr hnt 1.8
-- motorbike hawker bakwa bun 3.3 x 2 so 1 b n 1xy
- vfuel 41d99
- went back eat the mixberry bun bot on last sat so it has been sitting in fridge for 4 nights.

Not as soft as fresh of course and because ai ate some prkmi ai felt very very full after eating this. Note2self must buy n eat fresh.
- lunch chow yang coffee shop
-- mi jawa  6.5 with hpg (pgharmi) n try (ckt)
-- walk to fruit shop
--- bot 1 fuji (try) and 4 nzqueen (give 1 to try) for 10
---- try says nzqueen is sourish so dunlike but texture is nice
---- gave 2 nzqueen to mo and kept 1 for b
---- bot banana by weight (7 banana) for rm4d5

- b duty bkrn n then wait for hndthrpy
- took bek 18 very cham kam  cos never put in fridge
- ai ate 3 immd and 2 were hard as stone so just ate for fiber
- after eating lots of gas and lots brk
- open up 3 and put in apple tong into fridge

18 sad kams

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