Friday, July 15, 2016

D3 Lesson One

see mw pzog mw swb stamp2 see

28d2 1d5 tt 29d7

- 9ish bkckup and went
- 930ish reach
- 10 to 1030 data entry moving ctts
- 11 went get micro mwpd10 parking 1hour 1d5
- 1130ish mwtreat some penang eatery tot 33
-- mw carimi 7d9 pw harmi 7d9 mai nlksg 5d9 b nlcarichic 8d9 2 hotctea
-- went bot 1kg milo refill pack at 17 mwrmbd
- 12 to 2 lesson 1 and handover
- gula  and very sleepy so nap it is
- 4ish to 7ish nap
- ffa gula surf onl

- 9ish stuffed one last slice gar lightgreen bread into mouth n drink water
- 11ish whl plt ns lemak all rice, ikn bilis, onions in sambal, peanuts, cucumber 2slices, half an hard b egg.
-- drank few mouthfuls of hot ctea 5d9
- 230ish sugar3x half peanut and red bean 5d8 (6d148), half grass jelly tofufa balls 7d9 (8d374)
- 730ish 6 tblspoon fried rice little prawns, egg, chicubes with mcd chilisos 12d9 (13d674)

b188 m115 k140 c100 444

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