Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Celeb1 lamenoil 24

see m2l2 see

17d9 2d1 4 tt 24

ate 18 chry 10 bbry

- 9ish make copi milk 4b n bek2slp
- 10ish gup prep
- 11left
- 1119 to 1549 4
-- direct to bk eat 69d95 ac2d
--- b ori bk kak uni 33d5 (36d85) add egg 2d8 (3d08) hot gtea 3d5 (3d85)
--- m tonkotsu basic 23d8 (26d18) (menu price added gst but not 10per sc)
- walk here lok there gardens lok c cldstrg like wanna close for reno so bare
- chkbal all acds
- sc no 3pm promo so no eat since still jelak full
- thirsty so bot 2d1 hawthorne drink both finish on spot
- asupa bct 104d25
-- 8 cara orgs 10d9, 1kg usacherry 49d9-1 48d9, 125g blueberry 9d5-1d6 eq 7d9, 2x11d1 6kiwi, 1pek 3med avocado 13d4 - 1d5 eq 11d9, small pak choy 1d3, chinese cabbage 1d17
- went food section dunno buy which set end up with the one below due to the variety 17d9 pricey due to variety
- bek sorted fruits n ffa
- 6ish ate bto
- onl gula surf

b188 m22 k120 c180 331d8


ate by 2

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