Thursday, July 21, 2016

Celeb3 jytreat

see pkp m2l2 mo fm see

62d5 23d4 21d9 3 14d7 tt 125d5
jrmb 150
mrmb 67d2

6chry 20bbry
gvaway 22chrry, vitc, soymilk

-8ish up mkcopimilk 2slices bread pd2mbcd
- 935ish left
- 1022 to 1410 prk3
1. eat gomi 62d70 but returned 50c so 62d50 only gave foc tissuepek
2. eat nclr 23d40
3. agroc trtmo bbrry 7d9 of 55d95
4. abigroc 28d65 vwtr90c tiger198g2d55 kaya2d85 garbread3d2 st9d5
5. spdy kok 21d9
- kra kra
- fm 14d7
-- b tofu, bendi, harmi 5d5 coldleongsui 2d2
-- mai fried sgao, bgourd, oilybrinjal 5ytfx1d4 7
- 4ish to 9ish rain so slp
- ffa, gula, onl, ate a slice of bread

1. gomi: b prkbellyslices 13d75 addbeefballs 3d3 (got beef taste but taste fake like essence so prefer used to ahbami). jtrt jacc thick panmi 10d45 cos tot got bursting balls so felt chted. Ai trt mo grouper fish 17d60x2 include mai.
2. nclr jtrtb ttkmkk 3d7 sharejacc rojak 8d35 abc 6d25 haklomai 5d1 st 19d7 shrhalf 9d85

b188 m97 k100 c350 388d5

total 23d40 only but this was after another meal

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