Sunday, February 7, 2016

pg5 no discharge

- after all niter slpt from 7 to 1230
- help roll a few small rolls
- eat sphag and bolognaise sauce
- cook chicsoup for mh
- no go out
- al went out town solo 9 to 2ish
- going to do sui gao
- mh pltt 100 so no discharge, mh bengkak bengkak doctor say due to liver infected

- just went v bout go out for pitstop at sunshine supa jp n al bek so abort
- boil chicken soup for mh
- jp did super quick cleaning, wipe bike, go to vst mh
- prep n did sui gao
- ai wash cut deskin deseed diced 5 ripe tomatoes
- m stirfry with eggs
- gelek dough
- wrap 10 15g dough each with little eggs inside ate with kimchi
- b2 cooked up a storm solo, mynhb washup, b2 done chai too
-- sangchoy soup
-- steaned chicken with essence
-- pork ribs lotus roots peanut braised
-- cabbage scallops abalone
-- leeks and waxed meat
-  jp bek at near 9pm gobbled 20 prk sui gao and went to be with mh again
- 12midnite d, al left nobita d movie stand by me

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