Wednesday, February 24, 2016

E dinner onli

- 11xxish wup after asking b to eat bread breakfast n later walk down to big tree
- bdin want to go big tree, will just snack biskuat and etc till 1630 for early dinner at rkn
- mai pd ebrwn for feb 96 for
- al went hmei got 4 vege 1 box 2 deep fried chic and ? meat 1 box got charged 20 was furious
- mai 12ish ate 2 slices of gar green bread with strawberry jam dalfour
- onl
- 3ish pop 1cheese pineapple roll, 1 normal pineapple roll and 1 old orange (just found it), 1 new orange - both orges shre with b
- 430ish traffic light so long wait 435 until 441 and green only for less than 1 min rsh past org
- lucky got 1man left so parked
- not much vege left, broc all finis so ai took kauyu, naipak, thinfrenchbean very tender punya, little rice
- b loprk using like ginger dck sos, layu bgourd black tosi carrot slices, yaumak, little rice
- fig soup dunhave, watercress dunhave so in the end choy kon at 6 tot 17d5
- bek at 526 11 mins for 4d8k
- onl, fifa

- my over at iph

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