Sunday, January 3, 2016

yyl hntup 10c

Lunch share big

mbreakfast wtm safe but boring

- 830 gup nose not that blocked and not as sore as yesterday but dry cough still there ears itchy
- yyl cos scared friends not free bprkmi 55 hnt 17 maiwtmsoup cs wt 55 taste ok but boring lucky got green chili
- 10ish jlaundry bedsheets pink cover bwater
- watch the intern
- gdtst share duckmihun 10d9 6 11d55 cham 2d9 6 3d1 tapao roastduckrice not that nice cos the duckmeat not like liver and not dark enuff 8d9 6 9d43 tot 24d05 given 5c off so 24
- pack table stack pile and last drwr
- once all over cold
- put lotion cos hands dry

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