Sunday, January 31, 2016

tapao roastdck

-7ish wup
- 8ish left
- ons -- nodrk cos drkfella toobusy to ask us.
-- mckt no chili, no suham, salty 6? bpd while mai ordering popiah
-- bktt add pbld so 7
-- 2popiah x22 = 4d4 no sauce no chili but mai find it salty
- 849 to 1243 1u 4hrs 2rm parking
- took photos of dcr after bin and recyc
- bobo so long and heavy din want to go away
- kluang station border copi rtampal dhall set (roti uncooked flour with fried egg on top) 6d9 nett (10 plus 6gst), d dhall taste very siang not nice
- take more photos, gmrhdot, hlshan reno
- very thirsty went buy groc m oil smurni 6d25 rmbd, sesamegarbread 4d05, safegg 12bj 12d4 c2d 22d7
- shgkee mango lolo 10d4 salskin 6d9 crispy not oily charsiewbao small only 2 for 5d7 was very, very thirsty so order lime plum ask for less sweet printed on orderchit but super sweet so yucky didn't quench thirst at all tot 29d9 10sc 6gst
- cstrg dilmah tea for pots 100bgs 1199 so 12
- very sleepy so went direct back, nap
- 4ish wup
- trimi bprkmi 8 mchicsoyami 7d5 (never order chic here not nice) chrysanthenum drk 2 tot 17d5
- tapao quarter top roast duck 17
- bbot actifast one box 9d5
- dropby calc gave m oil mrmb 358d2 jrmb 6xx mai forgot 2put 37 kemfl
- pour away soupwater
- ate 3 kam
- went rooftop walk
- bchew 2small duckpcs
- back 7ish dilmah copi teataste strong ok
- bprut cramps wind
- ftbll, onl, read anna

quite salty - was thirsty the whole day after having this

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