Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Trim jky

- wup 8
- friends ccf1d8 fp 90c st 2d7 bhnt 1d6 toasts 1d6 st 3d2
- btrim trees onown
- m laundry twls singlts bx bwater
- 1130 off yms cf m lit rice lots cary vg, 1luegg lu tofu, scrambled egg baked beans
-- b prkbelly muichoy, cary vg, yaomk tot 14 so go get watercress soup
- fdwhls 23d9l 1d95 t46d62 k207d9 or k270d9 should be 207d9
- wash back see
- bk dvoice 9 to 4
- nap 4 2 6
- talked about pl whls cos avdg lgin c got offer or not
- then chp got mc 1536ish from pl whls
- will chk2c after ds

-- cont pktbl progresslow

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