Saturday, December 5, 2015

Bai stall abc 41

- plan was to eat at way river chris cary hse but jback says 1130 which is too late 4 vi so went ate at cikg
-- mpanmi bwtmi champing 11d5 syuk 10
- jsokoban on own 1400 ish cos bcooking wongapaksyuk, went kelj bahgia rd pick up back npe hvy rain
- 1727 to 1811 route ssg srip gasg s17 outmkt rd jamabit reach so fast consider smooth and good
- drop off -- went s22 prk walk look c look c nothing caught fancy
- so just bot fd near the ok seat found -- ckt 5d5 salty hkccf cs and prawns 5d5 ok ok only
-- abc 41 glass bowl each 3d3 each tot 6d6 - taste still there but jsayno
-- more sweet water enveloped teeth
-- so no more go there forever
- back trop ct mll at 8ish walk walk sneakpeak,  till 1045ish
- forgot to go eat sinjiro skewers
- too late to sokoban so sleptover

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