Friday, January 10, 2020

S3 swhg pngwh

1. Swhg
Hnt 1d8 prkmihun 6d5
2. The other end of swhg
Tp wtnmi cs suigao 6d5
3. Lunch trymc
Agldrv any jcm2 xy
Pngwh 2 barli x2 tot 65
4 small rice 1 big
Potato prk slices very sweet
Half chkn choypoh sweet
Sweet potatoes leaves
61div5 so each is 12d2
5. Ons pitstop anybuyfruits
Rm7 for 5 cempedak
Rm5 for 2niangao 1ubi 2 pisang balls
Rm40 for 47 pineapple rolls using scs
Rm26 for 25 open pineapple tarts
6. Cmybek
7. Left ft right bek side graze
8. Terkiap right fnt lg cos close door, seems ok, 2monitor

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