Tuesday, January 14, 2020

14tue swhg trxgllry prudntl bkt20

1. swhg
- panmi 6d5 hnt 1d8
2. aj
pck nlym 7d4 (means that day d nscf is 2d45 so tot is 9d85)
3. 930ish spt mb so many pipu waiting to chg recycled notes so left without waiting
4. since 10ish d so din go hive food drop off paper bags
5. ate 1 and half cheddar biscuits in brwn jbring
6. lunch
- 1241 to 1341 waited from 2025 to 2032
-- cancel monthly 53 paid for 5 years d for rm50k critical illness, dunno can get back how much
7. parked in open air car park behind sinwengheng next to the tourist bkt 1241 to 1441 rm7 give keys
8. walked to meisin yucks dirty n popular stalls all not there so walk away
9. saw nest food court but a bit distance to walk there so ate at the bkt
10. try ordered small vege bkt claypot rm18++ 5per sc 6per sst so shr
11. soft ribs small bowl 17++ 2rice x2++  tot 43d4 tryaskedfor20 only so pd her rm20
- sc 1d95 sst 2d34
12. tryagl raised trvlreq to bkk on mon n bekwed to discuss gap 6 pax including btkbss

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