Tuesday, May 22, 2018

s3 j12 a12 tmwn mmll sz

1. tmwn 14d8
- shr prkmihun 6 hnt 1d8
- pck b oldy nlprkcari 5
- pck nl kosong with rice, iknbls, peanuts n a little sambal 2
2. lunch 28d4
- mmll jcm2 hrtrtmnt prk 2
- sz with try
- drk too much gtea so iz full so kept calimaki and 1 roll rice from avo
- bot greengarbread n longmasbread
3. dinner
- broccoli
- b left nl longbeans peanuts iknbls
- 1 rice roll frm avocado
- b ate 2 calimaki

ebiko 3d8 salty. avocado 2d8 kept 1 rice

kept calimaki 4d8 cos too full from drkg gtea

5 slices salmon 15d8 so 3d16 a slice. gtea not hot enough so have to do a few rounds so got full from drinking gtea. Lots of oil from salmon in gtea after that drink all.

next time maybe order less rice and 3 slices salmon but order chawanmushi instead

kept 2 calimaki and 1 rice roll from avocado

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