Sunday, April 22, 2018

sun sk2 chgnewbattery strlg mrtk2

- slight cough
- drive around searching to buy siewyuk
-- ssg wtmsyk not open
-- go perisa mkt sun no mrkt so ate in luckyally
- luckyally
-- prkmisua 6d5 cham 1d8
- went pkp j waited j kenot start car no battery d so a jmp it
- went ssg got new battery 238d85ish?
- strlng prk 4 cos past 6 mins only
- mrtk2 52d40ish
-- tomyum fried rice
-- plain rice 2
-- fried fish fillet mango salad
-- pomelo salad
-- shrimp cake
-- 1 pot jasmine tea
-- add 1 cup

- 19romanni dineatxtraceleb

- sold 11years ago plasmacluster for 50 to cshcnvrtr better than none cos ai lzy to clean and too scared to use it
- wipe slow cooker 3ltr pana to giv try

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