Friday, April 27, 2018

fri al ck strlngajrmpgmv

- coughing fits early in the morning due to a tickly spot so drank all of the seacoconut
- ck 16d8
-- 2 cfd ai kept all 3 hars and half mihun for lunch 2x7d5 eq 15 hnt 1d8
- planned to buy small bottle of ibucapanak ninjom but ended up buying big bottle at ssgphrmcy
-- 300 ml exp2020 so 1 day 3x5ml so 15ml per day so can drink for 20 days for rm19d3
-- small bottle did not buy is 75ml for rm8 something
- b bot yukon bun 3d3
- 12ish lunch all of the cfd mihun after deveined the 3 hars
- jna went starling watch rampage a said is nice wor
- dinner
-- finish bal wongapak with siewyuk with b
- around 5 to 10 coughing fits in the day due to tickly behind nose so must learn to control it

- b finish gow main story of scatter ashes

- trybekwrk halfday morning and took half day al to go to mjfacecareclass

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