Wednesday, December 27, 2017

b4 a13 bhndons mmll

eaten in pg on 26 dec 2017 tues

Dunno how much because don't remember and did not go check again.

Remove the wrapping

taste like fruit cake only j can taste liquor

behind ons oily and quite salty. thin wiry and crunchy mihun and ai finish all although ai won't call it tasty. bitter gourd mihun 6d5 (6). b prkmi 7 chamhot 2 pack wtmi 6 tot 21 

intention is to go pav but traffic not that smooth so went mmll instead. rule out chilli then bms then go idrgn. mix vege 24 saltedeggyolkprawn38 (for 10 - 3 each and ai1extra), tongporyuk wrapmantou 32, 3x3 rice and 10per sc tot 113d3. count exactly prawns 3 each and ai1extra so mai is 40ish but adjust ag to 25nett so ai absorb rest since gdv78 so exp so pd 52

went ons buy parking coupons 60c x 10 per book so 6

- a pkp cos all 3 bek from pg 2day.

-u 21 6 52 gt 79

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