Tuesday, December 26, 2017

b2 b3 ons hppymnsn 5hmlw dec

- 603ish b wup mai
- 650 to 706
-- ons 14
--- waited for kttng for about 10 to 15 mins
--- chamhot 1d9 (2)
--- b kttng 6
--- mai 2x2d2 popiah 4d4 (4) small ccf 2d4 (2)
- b direct pkp mlw go c hand dr hkm
- brot leftover half brgr n half kimchi fries to work to eat as fillers
- pd mlwtnb 122d9 n prepd seatnb 2h
- 8ish brk a mountain sticky softie
- j a mo still in pg
- brown sugar biscuits bot from bnhng brt by mklchng
- lunch 27d55 and 11d65 iz 39d20 (used 40)
-- fdfndry 6gst
-- cbass fish n pumpkin mix with mashed potatoes n overfried pumpkin chips, spinach, some parts of fish skin too salty and overall main taste is black peppercorn but ok, portion not big so 26+6per is 27d55
-- bttrnbns (same owner as fdfndry) net price 11d65
--- ice black copi 7
--- shared by3 a slice of almond salted caramel millicrepe 14/3 so 4d65 each
- dinner 27
-- mppj duck
--- drinks lime ksg n chrysanthenum ksg 5d2 (5)
--- prktrotter,  1px duck, chap, sourvege, 1rice 1d2 ttl 22d2 (22)

-u 14 40 27 gt 81
- 5hmlw dec

1130 am eat: leftover from yesterday - half kimchi fries - click to see

5pm eat: leftover half from yesterday dbl portobella 1 grilled beef patty

the portobella is deep fried

click to see. 2drks 5d2 the 4dishes n 1 rice is 22d2

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