Sunday, September 3, 2017

Sun tmwn m2l2 mcuthr

- tmwn 7
-- shr prkmi 5d5 (5), hnt 1d8 (2)
- mmll prk 3
-- very hungry so immd went2eat eys
-- eys c2d 52 so satisfying
-- set prkvingr 19d8++
-- set huaisan egg prawns 24d8++
- jygrcr
-- 2pkts 500g kcgkd at 8d43 per pack c2d
-- bot bread sourdough 8ish beetroot 9ish c2d
-- went to rdm gldvchr but only for white gld :(
-- now 916 is 215 per grm gldprc
-- last year sld is 195 per grm got back 1093 (2016) bot in 2d2d2007 79 per gram for 7d79gram ttl 688
-- earrings in mix design 1xi word 1batdesign
-- pendant lightest is 0d64g for a cross
-- so din buy any
- pitstop tmnds kndy bkr frnt rm bot cakes 74
-- gula melaka sponge 13
-- strawberry cheese 16
-- choc 15 hazel sponge 15
-- jalapeno cheese bread 15
- went mo cut hair and ate all cakes so got zai
- cakes got faint taste of raw eggs in certain places
- dinner
-- b ate beetroot bread with added walnuts and  cranberries n end with cold oranges
-- ai din eat anything cos still zai from cakes

- u 7 3 74 gt 84

find songs
- ma je theme song with last line sou hu ze wo de ming ji winnieho
- pets tseng 偏愛 - 曾沛慈 pian ai

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