Friday, September 15, 2017

off sat msiady mlw5h hkmplw wtmph nap

- 4ish up tlt n cndy
- 5ish bek to sleep
- 8 up and ate 2 slices of bread with lots of lescure butter - taste like siewyuk oil in mouth
- 855 drp plw off hkm chk battery
- 901ish to 945ish - renew a cr rdtx c2d kiosk 90 (deduct from owe), renew own drvglc but cos late d so gotta renew 2 years 2x30 is 60
- prk at rdsd then go prk at qprk
-- b went tlt 20c
-- ai went walk 20per of the track round the lake and turn back about 16mins cos part of the track got a big tractor/lorry doing construction work - nice no sun day
-- went back and waited till 1030 then pkp
- wtnpho 58d5 (59)
-- b phobo 12d9
-- mai vermicelli roll 7d8
-- p rice prkchop 15d9
-- mw small cswtmi 8d9
-- shr small cs 8
-- 2 cup hot tea 2d5x2 eq 5
- bek gula, brush teeth, nap
- 4ish ftee
- ate avocado dole bot at abgroc 2d5ish with bread, b ate quarter with bread
- finish walnut mooncake qrtr each very sweet b says
- 830ish b finish all kaichoy soup with bread
- 930ish ate 3 slices greenadv bread

- weight at plw b 61d9 mai 44d3
- pan 30cm 800 grams

- u 59 60 gt 119

- ps mlw5h? for aug

2d50ish dole from ph

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