Saturday, May 16, 2015

Grime s4 finale

- (just after Friday nite) 0030 went to bed
- 0400ish wup left hand bone pain? acid pain? slight dull pain but it is there
- nausea, stomach pain, felt like vomit went to let out water
- control nausea went back to sleep till 800 till gup to pull the brake
- candy till 10
- rec txt says a crud no go though ai know
- left arm still sourish but later ok d
- 1030 ate with friends little rice, prkchp, capsicum, bgourd 4d5
- b2 misua pmiliao 5d8 chamhot kao2 1d6
- laundry, bwater, found kit win open
- wrong hardisk
- hands dry so lotion
- nap till 330
- goodtaste prkmi 7d5 horfun mifun
- small charsiew 6 - very salty bill says big 12 ai told cashier ai order small so chg to 6
- b2 says that plate looks like 2 strips so is it big? ai still think it is small
- once all over
- candy
- grime s4 finale jul bye
- weekend mand task done

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