Saturday, May 30, 2015

D2 drk mothblls

- wup nearly 830 got ready
- water bit hot so added from plastic cups from fridge drank yucks mthballs!!
- b2 poured all away and rinsed and refill but still felt got that taste in mouth, sum lei jok yung?
- b2 tchw mixset horfun 9 not nice so no revisit
- fran and company, tot 153d8 blksqinkegg 33d88 foameggtomatorice 33d88 pastabigprawn 34d98
chocsoft 22d88 very chsck pft 17d39 copihot 10d79
- 4 strips rice coated 10 plus 60c - salty leh
- popbk, agroc bread dragonfruit, colds groc bread orange, in 1020 out 1601
- round round go sri grand ct idly time morning and night so got tosai biasa2ish , tosai bawang2d2ish, 2roti kosong 2isheach, b2 chapfan fish (yucks all pink and shiang) 6, omelette 4, rice 2 tot 20d05 discount 5c so 20.
- witcher 3 209 200treat ghdot nostock
- park 4 gavej 1cd 5in

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