Tuesday, March 24, 2015


- wup 6 cos netbk on
- chase so 8 left
- sleepy eat ccf with friends
- 1ccf 1d8 2liangstuff bendi brinjal x 1.3=2.6 1fupei 90c tot 5d3
- drop by bwater
- b2 wipe jpcar
- brake 930
- watch book thief halfway till 11
- pd jantomar 300 cos credit 300
- got gst so din paymore
- got new stickers x2
- tapao chopsticks  chapfan 5 not much choice long bean, broccoli, minced pork to share
- surf, finish bkthf
- felt down cos gst means 12x12 144 extra nid2py means nid2wklor
- going2nap after this
- dropbypickup Mel again
- thundering now and then but no rain

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