Thursday, March 12, 2015

Do mai

- ok blue is there in between the book.
- ck mai 1ccf 1d6 bendi bittergourd 2x1d2 tot 4
- b2 cfood mi no egg 6d5 hnt but was given teh c 1d5
- wanted to tapao food for lunch so look around to c what to tapao, something easy to eat, not ccf cos the last time ai tapao, the smell of dried salty fish was very strong (though there was no dried salty fish there), thought of buying monkee things but not keen on questionable sausages in buns, siew bao costs 1d8 each, just too expensive for such a small thing. In the end, bought nla, asked for less rice, cbreast , saw one piece tot it was cbreast but later when eating it turned out to be a small piece of chicken thigh
- domai (throw rice), gave mai opinion in a roundabout way that ai think default filter gets triggered everytime on enter report is better but j away, only back on fri
- rushed to finish all
- lunch while working
- b2 direct to wait for 2, went mmll, renew rdtx 92 
- bot bread for mai 7d2 n org nvl 12d9
- mreimbd 104d2
- b2 try kmpg express nl special 5d5 kluang stn cham 2d9
- left 1805 enter 1810 touchdown 1843 out 1846
- uho again set pchop 12d9
- watched dvoice battle = nice!
- on the brink of burning out? Lucky tom is fri
- the miss call yesterday was from ad fun's recom esagt.
- cyn: plw call kupu2 and asked about many times softies was asked to eat white bread
- ah wg bot them white bread huh?

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