Friday, January 30, 2015

S2 sai hei

- wup 630
- ck brkfst cfood 2sweet 7, prkbllmi 5d5 2salty, hnt 1d5
- b2 tapao ccf 5d6
- prev did 2 today did 7 of 21 so 12 left
- berserker throwing p*o around
- sayint in mgt sv a
- work thru lunch with milo
- 3 slices green bread
- left 6ish forgot to sbmt tsht so got in again did it
- 6 only pick up
- 6 ytf broc, bg, fpi, lgbn, cpsm, bdi half 1d4 so 4d2
- white copi 3d9 nice, curry ccf 3d5 notnice cos ai full
- assam laksa half sardine sour ok 6d5
- red bean smoothies santan can twang, bean taste raw 4d9
- wash top
- hands dry so need lotion
- got plasticsmell bag, 10 small h agpw

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