Thursday, January 15, 2015

Banned meals

- b2 ck cfood 7 hnt 1.5 tapao ccf 4.8
- still restless so ask everyone for lunch n at last osk says ok
- surprise to know they moved to new building 2f since last fri
- ate at ki capfan stall looks like went out of bus no utensils there at all
- took a long time to decide kueh cap (only balls and dried up lo egg), chic rice (7 and above) with rice, no rice also same price or ki
- at last order mee rebus at ki 9 nett.
-- yellow noodle ok
-- liao is only a few slices of tofupok, some beansprouts ai think got and one hard boiled egg, no potatoes at all
-- the sauce is too watery and not thick and creamy with dhall or potatoes
-- so 9 is way too expensive for mee rebus, never again, irfan is much better
-  left on the dot
-- pickup 630
--- mai idea go eat ylk fish but dunno what until decide on ching ching one so teochew steam
--- tilapia got a bit geli fishy taste 22, big plate of sumiao 8, 1 rice 1.2 tot 31.2 but won't be having tilapia here again cos fatty and got fishy taste

going to washtop
today must sleep early at 1130 latest cos like zombie now

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