Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Ran 4 bust

- ss2 breakfast fish wat meehoon 5.5 copi 1.6 tapao nl 5
- aim full of sht 30c own paid to let
- lunch penang ckt 9.5 cockles no cockles pai wu long tot is my plate
- ok objai 1 eT seems ok
-  went out 535 so ran cos it early but waited
- most teruk jam in front of uia and um
- dinner at 8pm with b2 set pcurry soup 12.9
- think maybe just cont until bored or get new job or bss left
-timing 5.37 ran 4it
-5.44 went on way jam jam 7.08 only got to train st
- buy ticket took time got q.
- 7.16 to 7.34 (18 mins only) aj to mj
- 7.40 to 7.52 (12 mins only) mj to ss
- 7.52 to 8.06 (14 mins only) ss to sp (with long stopping time at bktj) dunno why
All add up 44 mins train time but 48 mins elapse.

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