Thursday, July 31, 2014

D1 soak red

- 3.33 wup red
- 4.30 gosok done
- slept till 7am so b2 sent mai
- 7.12 left 7.22 reach s2 2 eat beef mee 6, cohot 1.6,
- mai wtm soup small 5.5
- tapao ckt 5.5 1 greenwhite kuih, 1 pack green white glu kuih, 1 red angku 3.6
- mai lunch carbonara beef (beef bacon) - ate one very salty piece - waste of stomach space
- 9.9 50c sc lost ten cents roll under the counter
- squeeze 2 all day
- b2 pick up 5.30 on dot cos left c 5 reach 5.20 so fast so waited 10
- too early for abc 41 so went to mp
- drink chrysanthenum hot 1.9
- a pleg, a duck, a chap, 2 rice 22.9 (did not ask for breakdown suspect included drink again) oh well.
- back 637 fifa
- nap from 7 to 9
- share orange
- now stomach weird weird

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