Sunday, July 8, 2012

Food day

Monthly drop 2 day. Not much cars so some cars used the roads as a race track. Does not feel safe travelling on early Sunday morning. Pmee RM8 - forgot to put in psintestines. Ckt RM6 - the cockles have a tiny weeny bit of chlorine taste. Will ask for cockles to be omitted next time. Pballs noodle RM8 - the meatballs are too salty - so not going to order next time unless ready want to eat.

Early dinner at 5pm. Tuna Nasi dagang RM9.90, Nasi Lemak ayam goreng RM10.90 and then ate black ball signature (did not ask to omit the pearls as 1 want to try them). I found it to be sweet this time.

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