Monday, June 27, 2011

Rain boom2 again?

wup in the middle of the night/wee morning and it was raining heavily (said to be 3am) and was worried about the sand. Then kept waking up many times, sometimes it was still raining heavily, sometimes it was not. Finally got up to look at the clock 6.10am and went back to catnap. Finally got up at 7am, got ready and left with 2 kosong bread in stomach. Reach 740 went via og due to still drizzling and the queue up ptjyhw. One waited and the rain turned heavy again. One observed effect of rain. gap between 17 and 18 and all flow into wash basin. Declared work holiday so left after 9 and went eat wtm 2 at kong tot 11.30 and back. Laundry 10 hshirts. Boomed once then online pd4. One nap. Tea with gruel, biscuits and then one boomed followed by the other at around 4pm. Online again. One cooked 3 cakes and mix chili paste. Finished up the aloe apple drink. Online. Wimbleton. See 6 new folding gate.

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