Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Ikan kuat makan

h-ssg-m-ons-s2x2-ik-m-h kw:11 km: 61xx
7 wup coffee biscuit, milo
730 left awful jam all lanes going up
815 reach waited break bubbles
930 left to pick up and release
- usual bumper to bumper fedh, not opened, no place park so go direct
?-11.50 kstation after walk around a bit and getting hungry and no pzht
--promo D (2 softbeggs in cup) toasts 4.2
--coffee 2.6
--swk laksa promo 6.9
--mee rebus promo 6.9
-- 2 spring roll promo 1.8 each so 3.6
-- sc 5%, gt 6% tot 26.85 eat 5c so tot 26.9
12 get 2 bags toilet 22.9 something off to k and split up one ik two tai so
1410 pd lights 20070 eat kpg chic 7.5, rchic 6.5, limekosong 1.6, ttckosong 2
1450 rush to mcd eat set mcd tot 8.45
1530-1630 ik, pop, cold s, halfdoz cpuffs 5.5
? jam bit back toll 1.5
Stay watch tv cold huit warm hut, eat meehoon hc, ic, finish yuzu
830 left online

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