Saturday, March 5, 2011

Start clear wash back

Wup 930 and almost didn't find the old cb. Thought of using the new one and went to prep first and it was then I think of a place to check and true enough it was there, in the current year folder. Then at 1015 text to ask if ok to drop by and got no answer so called instead. No one picked up so call again and said not home maybe afternoon around 12 so we went to yl and park at the st. One ate chapfan 4 and ctea 0.4 and one duck breast rice 4.5 after which we went to the st to browse and to while away the time. Then about 11.15, I got a call, said couldn't make it maybe later in the evening. I said what about tomorrow and he said ok so tomorrow morning I will text him again at about 10 to drop by at about 11. Then back we went. Did wash back and then clean the two front car mats. Once all over. Then started on the desk by removing all pieces of slips, receipts, envs and getting some clear space. Break for zombies and plants trial, epl and crunch critters. Choc rolls and milmilk. Dinner at 1730 at hcha, one pmee 6.5 with egg 0.6 and one seafood meekt 6.5 without fish paste after the previous weird taste. Then because of a old one crumbly, went for black glutinous rice tongsui at alay 1.3 and then back to continue clearing nonstop until 1230 (about 5 hours). Hope the momentum can be maintained.
h->dst 4.6 ->vk->h 6.6 ->hcha 3.1 ->h 3
4981 9 titkm 17.3 Gotta maintain the momentum

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