Thursday, March 3, 2011

3 plants aeki day

Left early at 845 so jam jam jam work traffic as it rained very early in the morning. Direct to pick up one, drop off one bottle of bitter choc and choc rolls. Cwk wtm, cs, cs, duck 6 each and roastp 12, 4sk 1 each so 34 plus drink 1.5 35.5 tot and 60c park 1 hour. Then leisure time spent - po, drop in 4c mb, test choc bar 4.35, 5everything, sempadan, sit a bit then colours abc 4.2, set 9.9 curry mee and tea or coffee, cendol 3.8 tot 17.9 and direct to pick up 3 plants and 1 scurtain off 4 9.9 now 5.9 redeem 10. Left at a bit after 4 and drop one off and direct back eat bread 3. Then drank milmilk and nap. Wup gruel for two. One online one got blkops and both slept at around 4am. At night discover mbr balcony lights were on most likely for the past 2 days?
h->sbhway->m 10 ->okr->fh->s22 13.8 ->aeki 7.5 ->toll->m 20.5 ->beshwy->toll 9.6
4961 9 totkm 61.4 Keep track of the trios

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