Thursday, November 5, 2009

Saw a hole above head

Plan cancelled when we were on way to breakfast so just ate at A 4.2 and went back to pick up things. No prep so just got the galant long frame and plastic clothes frame which can only be dismantled into two halves. Chap fan lunch with friends for 9 and drink 1.3 so went back. Up the roof, can't see the cause so down he came. Out to get the equipments and a hole was born. No joy. It was dripping down from top so can't see the cause either. Washed the first load of clothes. No more sun so indoor it was. Dinner at 5 of Ho fish Thai style rice and kam heong wild boar meat with vege. Heavy rain so no go meeting at 8. Played catch up with two shows. 3-year old found some new born kittens and played with them.

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