Friday, June 5, 2020

S4 4thu ck cfdmhn lckyly garbrd jgnt

709 up
753 start
820ish bek
- gar bread green 3d3 n 1twiggies choc 1d6 tot 4d9 gv5bek 10ct
- zharyuk rice lckly 7 gv5n2
-  ck cfdmihun 8 gv5n3
831 b cfdmihun all cos aiduwan
- one only remaining gar red bean bun
- 2 slices remaining yllw mass
1310 bokchoy 1wldbrmeat
B rice all remaining wldbr meat n bit zhar yuk
1406 1slice bread all wldbrcaligravy n wash
1755 b use remaining cfdsoup with hngrn ssj vege vit instt mi prk bacon streaky
Test taste 1 mouthful
1944 3slices greengar bread with lots of kaya cos got 2 more containers so total 5 jtook 1 only?
Jwent giant 11ish to 12ish
224xish dunno y 943d85 xfr fld tried twice inst2ct ok

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